文件名称: latex中的各种特殊符号
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 详细说明:Latex中的各种特殊字符:\alpha θ \theta o o τ \tau β \beta ϑ \vartheta π \pi υ \upsilon γ \gamma ι \iota $ \varpi φ \phi δ \delta κ \kappa ρ \rho ϕ \varphi \epsilon λ \lambda % \varrho χ \chi ε \varepsilon µ \mu σ \sigma ψ \psi ζ \zeta ν \nu ς \varsigma ω \omega η \eta ξ \xi Γ \Gamma Λ \Lambda Σ \Sigma Ψ \Psi ∆ \Delta Ξ \Xi Υ \Upsilon Ω \Omega Θ \Theta Π \Pi Φ \PhiTable 84: fourier Binary relations Table 85: Subsct and Superset RelationS 36 Table 86: AMS Subset and Superset Relations 6 Table 87: stmaryrd Subset and Superset relations 7 Table 88 asysym Subset and Superset relations Table 89: txfonts/ pxfonts Subset and Superset Relations.... 37 MnSymbol Subset and Superset Relations Table 90: mathabx Subset and superset relations 37 .37 Table 92: Inequalities 37 Tablc 93: AMS Inequalities Table 94: sysym Inequa.. Table 95: txfonts/ pxfonts Inequalities 8 able 96: mathabx Inequalities Table 97: MnSymbol Inequalities Table 9 8 AS Triangle Relati 39 Table 9 9: stmaryrd Triangle relations 40 Tablc 100: mathabx Triangle Rclation 40 Table 101: Mn Symbol Triangle Relations Table 102: Arrows able 103: Harpoons 41 Table 104: textcomp Text-mode Arrows 41 Table 105: MS Arrows 41 Table 106: AMS Negated Arrow 41 Table 107: AMS Harpoons 4 Table 108: stmaryrd arrows Table 109: txfonts/pxfonts Arrows 42 Table 1 10: mathabx Arrows 42 Table 111: mathabx Negated Arrows .42 able 112: mathabx Harpoons able 113: MnSymbol Arrows Table 114: Mn Symbol Negated Arrows Tablc 115: Mn Symbol Harpoons ..46 Tablc 116: Mn Symbol Ncgatcd Harpoons Table 117: harpoon Extensible Harpoons 4 Table 118: chem arrow arrows 47 Table 119: fge Arrows 47 Table 120: MnSymbol Spools Table 121: Mn Symbol Pitchforks .47 Table 122: Mn Symbol Smiles and Frowns Table 123: ulsy Contradiction Symbols ITable 124: Extension Characters Table 125: stmaryrd Extension Characters Table 126: txfonts/ pxfonts Extension Characters Table 127: mathabx Extension Characters Table 128: Log-like Symbols 49 Table 129: AMS Log-like Symbols Table 130: GiNA2e Number Sets 49 Tablc 131: Grcck letters 5 Table 132: MS Greek Letters Table 133: txfonts/ pxfonts Upright Greek Letters Table 134: upgreek Upright Greek Letters 51 Table 133: fourier Variant Greek Letters 51 Table 136: txfonts/ pxfonts Variant Latin Letters] 51 Table 137: Ms Hebrew letter 51 Table 138: Mn Symbol Hcbrcw Letters 51 Table 139: Letter-like Symbols 51 Table 140: AMS Letter-like Symbols 3 Table 141: txfonts/ pxfonts Letter-like Symbols Table 142: mathabx Lcttcr-likc Symbols Table 143: MnSymbol Letter-like Symbols Table 144: trfsigns Letter-like Symbols 52 Table 145: mathdesign Letter-like Symbols 52 Table 146: fge Letter-like Syinbols........... Table 147: fourier Letter-like Symbols 53 Table 148: AMS Delimiters Table 149: stmaryrd Delimiters .,..53 Tablc 150: mathabx dclimitcrsl Table 151: nath delimiters Table 152: Variable-sized Delimiters 54 Table 153: Large, Variable-sized Delimiter Table 154: S Variable-sized Delimiters 4 Table 153 stmaryrd variable-sized delimiters 54 Table 156: mathabx Variable-sized delimiter Tablc 157: MnSymbol Variablc-sizcd Delimiters 55 Table 158: mathdesign variable-sized delimiters Table 159: nath Variable-sized Delimiters(Doublel Table 160: nath Va.riable-sized Delimiters (Triple) .57 Table 161: fourier Variable-sized Delimiters Table 162: textcomp Text-Inode Delimiters 57 Table 163: metre Text-mode Delimiters 57 Table 164: Math-mode Accents Table 165: JAMS Math-mode Accents Table 166: MnSymbol Math-mode Accents Table 167: fge Math-mode accents Lable 168: yhmath Math-mode Accents Table 169: Extensible Accents able 170: overrightarrow Extensible Accents 59 59 Table 171: yhmath Extensible Accents 59 Tablc 172: AMS Extensible Accents 59 Table 173: Mn Symbol Extensible Acconts 60 Table 174: mathtools extensible accents 60 Table 175: mathabx Extensible Accents 60 Table 176: fourier Extensible Accents Table 177: esvect Extensible Accents 61 Table 178: undertilde Extensible Accents 61 ITable 179: ushort Extensible Accents 61 Tablc 180: AMS Extcnsiblc Arrowsl 61 ITable 181: mathtools Extensible Arrows 62 Table 182: chemarr Extensible Arrows 62 Table 183: chem arrow tensible arrows 62 Table 184: extarrows Extensible arrows 62 Table 185: extpfeil Extensible Arrows 63 Table 186: Dot Arrow Extensible Arrows 6 Table 187: trfsigns Extensible Transform Symbols 63 Tablc 188: holtpolt Non-commutativc Division Symbols 63 Table 189: Dots 63 Table 190: MS Dots 64 Table 191: wasysym Dots 64 ⊥abe192: MnSymbol Dots 64 Table 193: mathdots Dots 64 Table 194: yhmath Dots 64 Table 195: teubner Dots 64 Table 196: mathcomp Math Symbols 65 Table 19 marye Table 198: fge Digits 65 Tablc 199: dozenal Basc-12 Digits 65 Table 200: mathabx Mayan Digits 65 Table 201: Miscellaneous IATEX 2E Math Symbols 6, Table 202: Miscellaneous MS Math Symbols 66 Table 203: Miscellaneous wasysym Math Syiulbols 66 Table 204: Miscellaneous txfonts/pxfonts Math Svinb 66 Table 205: Miscellaneous mathabx Math Symbols 6 Table 206: Miscellaneous Mn Symbol Math Symbols ablc 207: Misccllancous Intcrnal Mn Symbol Math Symbol Table 208: Miscellaneous textcomp Text-mode Math Symbol? 67 Table 209: Miscellaneous marvosym Math Symbols 67 able 210: Miscellaneous fge Math ymbols 67 Table 211: Miscellaneous mathdesign Math Symbols 67 Table 212: Miscellaneous arey Math Symbols .67 Table 213: Math Alphabets. 4 Science and technology symbols 70 Table 214: gensymb Syiubols Deliued to Work in Both Math and Text Mode 70 Table 215: wasysym Electrical and Physical SyIubols Table 216: ifsym Pulse Diagram Symbols Table 217: ar Aspect Ratio Symbol 70 able 218: textcomp Text-mode Science and Engineering Symbols Table 219: steinmetz Extensible Phasor Symbol 70 Table 220: wasysym Astronomical Symbols 71 Table 221: marvosym Astronomical Symbols 71 able 222: mathabx Astronomical symbols 71 Table 223: wasysym APL Symbols 71 Table 224: wasysym APL Modifiers Table 225: marvosym Computcr Hardwarc Symbols 71 72 able 226: keystroke Computer Key Table 227: ascii Control Characters(CP437) Table 228: milstd Logic Gates 7 Table 229: marvosym Communication Symbols 73 Table 230: marvosym Engineering Syillbo Table 231: wasysym Biological Symbols Table 232: marvosym Biological Symbols 74 Table 233: marvosym Safety-related Symbols Table 234: feyn Feynman Diagram Symbols 5 Dingbats 75 Table 235: boding Arrows 75 Tablc 236: pifont Arrows Table 237: universa arrows Table 238: marvosy m scissor .75 able 239: boding Scissors Table 240: pifont Scissors 73 Table 241: dingbat Pencils Table 2412: boding Pencils and Nibs Tablc 243: pifont Pencils and Nibs Table 244: dingbat Fist Table 245: boding Fists 76 Table 246 ont fist Table 247. fourier f ists Table 248: boding Crosses and Plusses Table 249: pifont Crosses and plusses Table 250: bbding Xs and Check Marks Tablc 251: pifont Xs and Check Marks .77 Table 252: wasysym Xs and Check Marks 77 Tablc 253: universal Xs 77 Table 254: pifont Circled Number Table 255: wasysym Star Table 256: bbding Stars, Flowers, and Similar Shapes Table 257: pifont Stars, Flowers, anld Siinilar Shapes Table 25S: fourier Orllaiments. Table 259: wasysym Geometric Shapes Table 260: MnSymbol Geometric Shapes ablc 261: ifsym Gcomctric Shapes 79 Table 262: bbding Geometric Shape Table 263: piont Geometric Shapes 80 able 264: universa Geometric Shapes Table 260: universal Geometric Shal Table 266: Miscellaneous dingbat Dingbats 80 Table 267: Miscellaneous bbding Dingbats Table 268: Misccllancous pifont Dingbats 6 Ancient languages 81 Table 269: phaistos Syinlbols froIn the Phaistos Dis 8 able 270: protosem Proto-Semitic Characters ..81 Table 271: hieroglf Hieroglyphic able 272: linear A linear a Script Table 273: linearb Linear B Basic and Optional letters 8 Table 274: linearb Linear B Numerals Table 270: linearb Linear B Weights and Measures Table 276: h Linear b idec 86 Table 277: linearb Unidentified Linear B Symbols Table 278: cypriot Cypriot Letters 86 Tablc 279: sara bian South Arabian Lcttcrsl Table 280: teubner Archaic Greek Letters and Greek Numerals 7 Other syMbols 88 Table 281: textcomp Genealogical Symbols Table 282: wasysym Gencral Symbols Table 283: wasysym Circles Table 284: wasysym Musical Symbols Table 285: arev Musical Symbols ble 286: harmony Musical Symbols 89 Table 287: harmony Musical Accents Table 288: manfnt Dangerous Bend Symbols RO Table 289: Miscellaneous manfnt Symbols 89 Tablc 290: marvosym Navigation Symbols Table 291: marvosy m laundry symbols 90 Table 292: marvosy m Information Symbols 90 Table 293: Other marvosym Symbols Table 294: Miscellaneous universa Symbols 90 Table 295: Miscellaneous universal Syinbols .90 Table 296: Miscellaneous fourier Symbols. 91 Tablc 297: ifsym Wcathcr Symbols .91 Table 298: ifsym Alpine Symbols 91 Table 299: ifsym Clocks 91 Table 300: Other ifsym Symbols 92 Table 301: clock clocks .92 Table 302: epsdice Dice 92 Table 303: hhcount dic ITable 304: hhcount Tally Markers .,..92 Table 305: skull Symbols .93 6 Table 306: Non-Mathematical mathabx Symbols 93 Table 307: skak Chcss Informator Symbols 93 Table 308: skak Chess pieces and Chessboard squares 94 Table 309 igo Go Stones 94 Table 310: metre Metrical Symbols 95 Table 311: metre Simall and Large Metrical Symbols Table 312 teubner Metrical Symbol Table 313: dictsym Dictionary Symbols Table 314: simpsons Characters from The Simpsons.... ablc 315: pmboxdraw Box-Drawing Symbols Table 316: staves magica. I St 97 lable 317: pigpen Cipher Symbols 98 Table 318: (Hi2e Phases of the Moon 98 Table 319: Other(iN2e S, ymbols Table 320: recycle Recycling Syinbols 99 8 Additional Information 100 8.1 mbol name clashes 100 8.2Resi∠ ing sinbo .100 8.3 Where can I lind the symbol for 100 8.1 Math-mode spacing. 112 8.5 Bold mathematical symbols 8.6 ASCIi and Latin 1 quick reference 114 8.7 Unicode characters 117 IS8 About this document 118 3.9 Copyright and license .121 Rcfcrcnccs 122 Inde. 123 Introduction Welcome to the Comprehensive IAlEX Symbol List! This document strives to be your primary source of IlEX symbol information: font samples, IATFX commands, packages, usage details, caveats - everything needed to put thousands of different symbols at your disposal. All of the fonts covered herein meet the following criteria. TheyarefreelyavailablefromtheComprehensiveTexArchiveNEtwork(http://www.ctan.org) 2. All of their symbols have IATEX 2E bindings. That is, a user should be able to access a symbol by name not just by \char(nimber These are not particularly limiting criteria: the Comprehensive IATEX Symbol List contains samples of 5913 symbols quite a largc numbcr Somc of these symbols arc guaranteed to be availablc in cvcry ITEX 2E system others rcquirc fonts and packages that may not accompany a givcn distribution and that thercforc nccd to beinstalledSeehttp://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2htm1?label=instpackages+wherefilesforhelp with installing new fonts and packages 1.1 Document Usage Each section of this document contains a number of font tables. Each table shows a set of symbols, with the corresponding IleX command to the right of each symbol. a table's caption indicates what package needs to be loaded in order to access that table's symbols. For exalmple, the syMbols in Table 39 "textcomp Old-Style Numerals", are made available by putting \usepackagettextcomp)in your documents preamble. MS means to use the MS packages, viz. amssymb and or amsmath. Notes below a table provide additional information about somc or all the symbols in that tablc One note that appears a few times in this document, particularly in Section 2 indicates that certain symbols do not exist in the OTI font encoding(Donald Knuth's original, 7-bit font, en coding, which is the default font encoding for AleX) and that you should use fontenc to select a different encoding, such as tl (a common 8-bit font encoding). That means that you should put "\usepackage [(encoding )]ifontenc"in your docunents preamble, where( encoding) is, e.g., T1 or LY1. To limit the change in font encoding to the current group, use "\fontencodingf(encoding)]\selectfont Scction S] contains some additional information about the symbols in this document. It discusscs how certain mathematical symbols can vary in height, shows which symbol names are not unique across packages gives examples of how to create new symbols out of existing symbols, explains how symbols are spaced in math mode, compares various schemes for boldfacing symbols, presents IATEX ASCII and Latin 1 tables shows how to input and output Unicode characters, and provides some information about this document itself The CoInprehenlsive IATEX Symbol List ends with an index of all the symbols in the docunent and various additional useful terms 1. 2 Frequently requested Symbol There are a number of symbols that are requested over and over again on comp. text. tex. If you re looking for such a symbol the following list will help you find it quickly as in "Spaces are significant. ⑨ l,etc.(versus i, i, i, and 1) n“180°or“15°C 8,, N. Z.R ,③.and 19 ∮ a,e, etc.(i.e, several accents per character) [O7 and(instead of 4 or 8 2 Body-text symbols This section lists symbols that are intended for use in running text, such as punctuation marks, accents ligatures, and currency symbols TABLE1:IX2 Escapable“ Special” Characters % 8 井\# {\ The underscore package redefines"_to produce an underscore in text. mode (i.e.it makes it unnecessary to escape the underscore character) TABLE 2: Predefined TATEX 2E Text-mode Commands \textasciicircum \textless \textasciitilde \textordfeminine 米 \textasteriskcentered \textordmasculine A textbackslash 红 textparagraph \ textbar \textperiodcentered 〔\ textbraceleft \textquestiondown \textbracerightt \ textquotedblleft textbullet ” textquotedblright ⊙ extcopyright \textquoteleft i \textdagger \textquoteright t textdaggerdbl ③(\ enregistered textdollar §\ textsection \textellipsis £\ textsterling \texttrademark \textendash \texture textgreater Where two symbols are present, the left one is the"faked"symbol that IATEX 2 provides by default, and the right onc is the "truc"symbol that textcomp makcs available. and\o can be used instead of \textasciicircum and \textascii e Scc the discussion of“” on pagc115 It's generally preferable to use the corresponding symbol from Table 3 because the symbols in that table work properly in hot h text mode and math mode TABLE 3: IATEX 2 Commands Dcfincd to Work in Both Math and Text Modc \ddag \{ AP \copyright dots \dag £:\ pounds Where two symbols are present, the left one is the"faked"symbol that IAlEX2E provides by default, and the right one is the "true"symbol that textcomp makes available TABLE 4: MS Commands Defined to Work in Both Math and Text Mode √\ checkmark①\ circled.k\ maltese TABLE 5: Non-ASCII Letters(Excluding Accented Letters) a aa B、DH 五\L A AA 0\d 1\1 O\0 Ss \ SS IE \AE (E OE P \ TH ae dd g b Not availablc in the OTl font cncoding. Usc the fontenc package to sclect an alternate font encoding, such as T1 TABLE 6: Letters Used to Typeset African Languages D \BDF \micf f mlff k mtkF t Mith 3 \mtzH d Bid d \miD] f miF D miN t MiT C TIEH H \ BH d \Mid miG n \min t mith 8 Tie Bh D MID 〗\m{g}\m{o}T\m{T \T{0} 东B[t}d\m{dU\m{I D mtO] m{u]*5\T[o P、B{T}8\m{E}1m[]中\m{P]O、m{U] 6 bh \mte N\m{J}5、m{p \mtYH B、m{B}M{E \mtjh \mtyy C \mfc] \Me) K \mtK 5 \mts] 3 \miz] Thesc characters all nced the T4 font cncoding, which is provided by the fc package \mfvj and \mfI are synonyms for \mfu and \mtUH TABLE 7: Letters Used to Typeset Vietnamese \OHORN U ohorn U \UHORN t \uhorn These characters all need the t5 font encoding, which is provided by the vntex package table 8: Punctuation marks not found in oT1 k \guillemotleft \guilsinglleft \quotedblbase \textquotedbl guillemotright guilsinglright \quotesinglbase To get these symbols, use the fontenc package to select an alternate font encoding such as t1 TABLE 9: pifont Decorative Punctuation Marks \ding[123] \dingf125) s \ding[161 \ding[163] ding{24}男 dng{126}:\ding{162}



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