et use \\ip\ipc$ " " /user:" " 建立IPC空链接 net use \\ip\ipc$ "密码" /user:"用户名" 建立IPC非空链接 net use h: \\ip\c$ "密码" /user:"用户名" 直接登陆后映射对方C:到本地为H: net use h: \\ip\c$ 登陆后映射对方C:到本地为H: net use \\ip\ipc$ /del 删除IPC链接 net use h: /del 删除映射对方到本地的为H:的映射 net user 用户
Introduction Many organizations use disk image cloning to perform mass rollouts of Windows. This technique involves copying the disks of a fully installed and configured Windows computer onto the disk drives of other computers. These other computers
XMGR RDISK and UIDE DOS Device Drivers 1 Descr iption XMGR RDISK and UIDE are a group of DOS device drivers for a PC system with an 80386+ CPU and using MS DOS V5 0+ or equivalent XMGR is a DOS driver which works as an "XMS manager" and pr
net use \\ip\ipc$ " " /user:" " 建立IPC空链接 net use \\ip\ipc$ "密码" /user:"用户名" 建立IPC非空链接 net use h: \\ip\c$ "密码" /user:"用户名" 直接登陆后映射对方C:到本地为H: net use h: \\ip\c$ 登陆后映射对方C:到本地为H: net use \\ip\ipc$ /del 删除IPC链接 net use h: /del 删除映射对方到本地的为H:的映射 net user 用
sequence-layout A vertical sequence UI component for Android. Animates a progress bar to the first active step in the sequence and then periodically runs a pulse animation on that step. Setup Add the JitPack maven repository to your root build.gradl