File: Account.xml select ACC_ID as id, ACC_FIRST_NAME as firstName, ACC_LAST_NAME as lastName, ACC_EMAIL as emailAddress from ACCOUNT where ACC_EMAIL = #emailAddress# and ACC_LAST_NAME = #lastName# insert into ACCOUNT ( ACC_ID, ACC
首先要知道这里的request为HttpServletRequest,如果我们打印request的话,发现打印出的类型为 RequestFacade(package org.apache.catalina.connector; public class RequestFacade implements HttpServletRequest ) ,这里的RequestFacade对象实现了HttpServletRequest接口。
例://把 从gb2312编码转换到 UTF-8 编码=iconv("GB2312","UTF-8",)安装到PHP要使用iconv函数,PHP编译时必须跟上: --with-iconv[=DIR]. Note to Windows® Users: In order to enable this module on a Windows® environment, you need to put a DLL file named iconv
Pull解析 XmlPullParser parser Xml newPullParser ; try { parser setInput stream "UTF 8" ; int event parser getEventType ; while event XmlPullParser END DOCUMENT { switch event { case XmlPullParser START DOCUMENT: list new ArrayList ; break; c
iText 5 0 2 jar int width 200; 图片宽度 int height 50; 图片高度 支持中文 设置中文编码 pdf setText URLEncoder encode soderString "utf 8" ; 容错等级 pdf setErrorLevel 8 public static void createPdf417 throws IOException{ BarcodePDF417 pdf new BarcodePDF417 ; pdf
在运行struts2+shiro左权限时发现启动tomcat包Document root element "beans", must match DOCTYPE root "null". 异常,经过反复查看发现所引用spring.jar的版本与applicationContext.xml的头文件版本不匹配,所以改一下jar包就行了。 <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http://w
生成QR图 private void createImage { try { 需要引入core包 QRCodeWriter writer new QRCodeWriter ; String text qr text getText toString ; Log i TAG "生成的文本:" + text ; if text null || "" equals text || text length < 1 { return; } 把输入的文本转为二