希望对你们有用 #include"uhal.h" #include"keyboard.h" #include"zlg7289.h" #include"44b.h" #pragma import(__use_no_semihosting_swi) // ensure no functions that use semihosting extern int Zlg7289SIOBand; extern int Zlg7289SIOCtrl; int main(void) { U32 key; AR
一个基于串口的树莓派ps/2 Linux驱动.PS/2的DATA线接串口的RX线,PS/2的CLK空置。用前要测试键盘的频率。 Using two resistors, a blue LED, a few other bits, and a kernel module you can use a PS/2 keyboard by connecting it to the Pi serial port. This works because I have found that you can r