完成GSM_EFR增强型全速率语音编解码器的测试功能 /************************************************************************ European digital cellular telecommunications system 12200 bits/s speech codec for enhanced full rate speech traffic channels Bit-Exact C Simulation
RPE-LTE下的GSM全速率语音编解码功能,显示编码前后语音波文件的波形变化。 INSTRUCTIONS: - run MAIN_relp.m - copy your desired file in this folder and write the filename in MAIN_relp.m and run it. INFO: This is a simulation of Regular Pulse Excited Long Term Predictor used in GSM 6.
实现GSM_FR全速率语音编解码功能,文件中的工程文件Toast.dsp缺失,因此只需在VC++6.0下创建新工程并加入该文件夹中的*.c和*.h文件即可,亲测成功,并附上运行说明Run_FR.txt。 RUNNING THE SOFTWARE ==================== The usage of the "gsm_fr" program is as follows: Usage: encode *.INP-->*.COD input control flag= 1
GSM 06 53 增强全速率话音处理C代码 GSM 06 54 增强全速率测试序列 GSM技术规范目录 GSM 06系列 话音编码规范 pdf ETSI EN 300 724 V8 0 1 2000 11 Digital cellular telecommunications system Phase 2+ GSM ; ANSI C code for the GSM Enhanced Full Rate EFR speech codec GSM 06 53 version 8 0 1 Rel