基于Visual C++.Net的双人五子棋游戏,功能包括创建应用程序框架及资源,初始化棋盘,棋盘显示,轮流下子,输赢判断,重玩设定等。 This is a double-Gobang Game Based on Visual C + +. Net, including creating application frameworks and resources, initializing the board, showing the board, showing whose turns Now
画图板 创建五子棋 WPF 部分代码如下: private PointCollection points = new PointCollection(); private Stack aHistory;//下棋的历史记录 private int aNext;//下一个选手 private const int None = 0;//没有棋子 private const int White = 2;//代表白棋 private const int Black = 1;//代表黑棋 private