SRP –项目样本概述
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This sample represents a new project that is NOT currently adhering to Single
C#面向对象的基本原则 一、面向接口编成而不是实现 [Code to an interface rather than to an implementation.] 二、优先使用组合而非继承 [Favor Composition Over Inheritance.] 三、SRP: The single responsibility principle 单一职责 系统中的每一个对象都应该只有一个单独的职责,而所有对象所关注的就是自身职责的完成。[Every object in your syste
前言 Bob大叔提出并发扬了S.O.L.I.D五大原则,用来更好地进行面向对象编程,五大原则分别是: The Single Responsibility Principle(单一职责SRP) The Open/Closed Principle(开闭原则OCP) The Liskov Substitution Principle(里氏替换原则LSP) The Interface Segregation Principle(接口分离原则ISP) The Dependency Inversion Pr