The directory contains the MATLAB codes implementing a reverberant speech enhancement algorithm proposed in Mingyang Wu and DeLiang Wang, 揂 two-stage algorithm for enhancement of reverberant speech,?IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
语音信号处理 语音混响 去混响 Dereverberationand ReverberationofAudio, Music,andSpeech Patrick A. Naylor - Dep. of Electrical and Electronic Eng., Imperial College London, UK Enzo De Sena - Dep. of Music and Media, University of Surrey, UK Toon van Waterschoot -
双麦克风语音增强论文4篇,包括双麦谱减法、去混响、降噪等:《Dual Microphone Spectral Subtraction》、《Dual-Microphone Speech Dereverberation》、《NOISE REDUCTION FOR DUAL-MICROPHONE MOBILE PHONES》、《Recognition of speech in noise with hearing aids using dual micro》