可以吸取屏幕内任意坐标点处的颜色值并显示出来。 简易取色工具,VB程序。 取色核心代码: Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long a = GetPixel(GetDC(0), point.x, point.y) '得到当前点的颜色 b = a And &HFF '分离出红色 c = (a And 65280) \ 256 '分离出绿色 d = (a And &HFF0000) \ 6553
Camera Color Picker Camera Color Picker is an Android application that lets you capture, in real time, the colors around you using the camera of your device. Product Flavor Last project release introduce the new flavorDimension "user" with two value