用Pro*C开发多线程应用程序 (注:本文来自Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide Release 8.1.5) 如果你的操作系统不支持线程,本文暂不适合你。本文包含以下几个部分: n 什么是多线程? n Pro*C中的运行时上下文 n 运行时上下文的使用模式 n 多线程应用程序的用户接口 n 多线程例子
c++并发实战。多线程。 Book Descr iption Publication Date: February 28, 2012 Summary C++ Concurrency in Action is a reference and guide to the new C++ 11 Standard for experienced C++ programmers as well as those who have never written multithreaded code. This
《C++ Concurrency in Action》英文高清原版。 This book is an in-depth guide to the concurrency and multithreading facilities from the new C++ Standard, from the basic usage of std::thread, std::mutex, and std::async, to the complexities of atomic operations a
线程池可以并联运行一个任务的多个实例,所以你要保存代码线程安全。能被多线程访问的变量需要同步块.更多信息,见Processes and Th