sql语句: 代码如下:update item i,resource_library r,resource_review_link l set i.name=CONCAT(‘Review:’,r.resource_name) where i.item_id=l.instance_id and l.level=’item’ and r.resource_id=l.resource_id and i.name=” JOIN UPDATE & JOIN DELETE 代码如下: update a s
update data d,chanpin c set d.zhulei=c.zhulei,d.xiaolei=c.xiaolei,d.fenxiang=c.fenxiang,d.zhuanye=c.zhuanye,d.jiliang=c.jiliang,d.gs=c.zgs,d.xzgs=c.zgs,d
代码如下:select user_name,count(*) as count from user_table group by user_name having count>1; 这个我在很早有发过一个asp下的ACCESS 的
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student表 class表
1. 执行 UPDATE student s , class c SET s.class_name=’test00′,c.stu_name=’test00′ WHERE s.class_id = c.id
student表 class表
2. 执行 UPDATE student s JOIN class c ON s.class_id = c.id