Learning the vi and vim Editors includes: A complete introduction to text editing with vi: How to move around vi in a hurry Beyond the basics, such as using buffers vi's global search and replacement Advanced editing, including customizing vi and ex
内容简介回到顶部↑ 将近三十年的时间里,vi一直是unix与linux采用的标准编辑器,从1986年开始,《学习vi和vim编辑器(第7版)》一直是第一线的vi导引手册。但三十年来,unix已不再是三十年前的样子,这本书也不能一成不变。第7版的《学习vi和vim》涵盖了vim的详细指引,vim是一种很棒的vi同类品。 vim现在是大多数linux系统上的默认编辑器,也是mac os x的默认vi版本,同时能在许多其他操作系统上执行。《学习vi和vim编辑器(第7版)》将说明使用这两种
学习vi和vim的最佳工具书,英文版 Learning the vi and vim Editors includes: A complete introduction to text editing with vi: How to move around vi in a hurry Beyond the basics, such as using buffers vi's global search and replacement Advanced editing, including cu