The CompactFlash (CF) card SST48CFxxx supports three operational modes: (1) PC card ATA using I/O mode, (2) PC card ATA using Memory mode, and (3) TrueIDE mode. Individual application notes have been generated that provide reference designs for an S
MC3371在窄带通信中的应用。 The MC3371 and MC3372 perform single conversion FM reception and consist of an oscillator, mixer, limiting IF amplifier, quadrature discriminator, active filter, squelch switch, and meter drive circuitry. These devices are designed
介绍了DAVE环境下XMC1000的启动文件;本应用文档是英飞凌官方提供的介绍XMC1000的启动过程和器件初始化的文档;对英飞凌单片机器件底层驱动文件提供了更深刻的了解!C-Start and device initialization
The purpose of this user guide /application note is to provide a broad overview of devi