多形式报表源码 Gscr.Report控件(广源报表控件)实现报表自由定义,报表显示、打印预览、打印、公式、排序、导出等报表常见功能,是一款较好报表控件。 ---以下是引用官方部分简介--- Gscr.Report控件(广源报表控件)是专为.NET For Windows Forms编程者开发的报表平台,具有功能实用、操作简捷的特点。 1.采用行列式二维表格,能够灵活设定单元格属性,操作方式和Excel很相似; a.单元格宽度和高度、背景色、前景色、显示格式、格线设置等; b.字体类型、字体大
Properties Following the first object, the class also accepts an optional second object that may contain any of the following properties to help customize Calendar to your website: * blocked - An array of blocked (disabled) dates in the following fo
ASP.NET上直接可用的DropDownCheckList下拉多选控件,已编译直接添加后可以在工具中拖选使用,非常方便快捷。 Creates a multi selection check box group which is displayed and hidden on the client through the use of a custom drop-down box; choices can be dynamically created by binding the contro