搜索多个关键字的问题 假如我有个数组$s=array([0]="非常" [1]="感谢" [2]="你们") 现在我想搜索在表contents里找符合上面的内容 select title form contents where body like "%非常%" and like "%感谢%" and like "你们" 但是我的数组内容要是不确定的话。应该怎样写? 解决的办法
文件搜索控件 TEasyFileSearch v1.02 by Alexandre GAMBIER Read versions.txt file if you want to see modifications made between each version. Thanks ------ Thanks to : - Udo for his tests on C++ Builder 5 and his ideas for v1.01, v1.02 - J.M. Fontaine for h