包括: 1.the data model resource book, volume 1 即A library of Universal Data Models(UDM) for all enterprises, Len Silverston的代表作。目前网上只有第一卷有电子版 2.Analysis Patterns-Reusable Object Models Ward Cunningham,Ralph Johnson 3.甲骨文出品的 数据模型机关系数据库设计文档卷1 4.台湾研究机构的两
数据建模英文参考文档 The goals of this article are to overview fundamental data modeling skills that all developers should have, skills that can be applied on both traditional projects that take a serial approach to agile projects that take an evolutionary ap
# 查看当前挂载的数据集目录, 该目录下的变更重启环境后会自动还原
# View dataset directory. This directory will be recovered automatically after resetting environment.
!ls /home/aistudio/data