Cool Edit 2000与现在最流行的专业作曲软件Cakewalk Pro Audio能很好结合。只要你的Cakewalk Pro Audio是5.0b及以上版本的,那么,安装Cool Edit 2000后,就可以在Cakewalk Pro Audio的工具(Tools)菜单下找到“Cool Edit 2000”项,之后,在Cakewalk Pro Audio中完成作曲后,就可以直接启用Cool Edit 2000进行编辑。强强结合,将给音乐制作带来更大的便利。
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isolinux V4.05更新说明:HDT updated, and now supports uploading data to a TFTP server.ISOLINUX: remove the .img file support; it has been brokenon virtually all systems since the beginning, and has beentotally broken since 4.00 at least. Use MEM