可实现任意拖动,有标题栏功能 var moveFlag = 0;//拖曳是否开始(0:否,1:是) var mouseBeginX = 0;//鼠标的起始x座标 var mouseBeginY = 0;//鼠标的起始y座标 var modeBeginTop = 0;//拖曳对象当前的top值 var modeBeginLeft = 0;//拖曳对象当前的left值 /// 鼠标按下事件 function selectBegin(e){ move Flag = 1; e.setCapture()
操作IE窗口 SHDocVw.InternetExplorer ies = new SHDocVw.InternetExplorer(); //DataSet1TableAdapters.userTableAdapter ud = new userTableAdapter(); SHDocVw.WebBrowser wb = new SHDocVw.WebBrowser(); SHDocVw.IShellWindows swc = new SHDocVw.ShellWindowsClass()
The problem of dynamically adjusting the sizes of sliding windows when the rates of data streams or continuous queries change in data stream systems is studied in this paper. Based on the amount of available memory resource and the requirement of qu