Introduction A software framework is the base of an application that can be used by a developer. The framework in Joomla! 1.5 unleashes a great deal of power for them. The Joomla! code has been completely overhauled and cleaned up. This tutorial wil
This whitepaper describes the Qt C++ framework. Qt supports the development of crossplatform GUI applications with its “write once, compile anywhere” approach. Using a single source tree and a simple recompilation, applications can be written for Wi
这是Zend Framework的非常经典的入门教程,它的原作者Rob Allen是《Zend Framework In Action》一书的作者。小虫也不是ZF高手,在开始学习ZF时前辈推荐了这个教程,小虫就边学习边练习边翻译。其中疏漏和用词不当之处,请见谅。在看这个教程之前,我也找过一些其他的教程,但对新手来说都不是那么容易。这个教程算是我见过最适合初学者的教程。 本教程详细地介绍了使用Zend Framework来开发数据库驱动的MVC架构应用程序的过程。 注意:本教程在Zend Fra