有同学为要演讲而找不到ppt而烦恼吗?那么请下载吧 具体有: 1.10 Roses for you 献给你的10朵玫瑰.pps 2.A lesson from Butterfly 来自蝴蝶的启示.pps 3.Angel's Love Notes 天使语录.pps 4.Audrey Hepburn beauty tips 奥黛莉赫本的美丽秘诀.pps 5.Composite Sketch 个人自画像素描.pps 6.Life 生活的启示.pps 7.Men and Marriage 男人与婚姻.
人工智能英文PPT 第4章 游戏与博弈
Games are well-defined problems that are generally
interpreted as requiring intelligence to play well.
•Introduces uncertainty since opponents moves can not be
determined in advance.