A quality remote desktop app can be a device changer for the iPad, and there are so many to choose from in the App Store. A relatively new entry into the crowded genre is Splashtop Remote Desktop for iPad which connects to your Mac or Windows comput
App Name 留学360 - 掌上留学宝 Descr iption 留学360,您掌中的留学宝,提供留学资讯,院校查询,在线咨询,留学申请,签证办理等免费留学服务 What's New in this Version 1. 优化了搜索功能 2. 图文浏览,让资讯阅读更有色彩 3. 拓展学校信息展示,了解海外院校触手可及 4. 文章推送及时送达,主动推送及时讯息到用户手中 5. 优化了其他功能