2010考研单词象形记忆法,共解释了6715个单词和词组,让再也不要记单词,举例如下: unit uni、un【one一:u像杯子-引申为空间,n像门-引申为连接,i像一个小点→在一个空间里连接成一点】,t【固定】 →一个固定的:部件、单元 《黑体的部分是这个单词的中文意思,下面相同》、《“】”右边的第一个尖头“→”起到“冒号”的作用》 name n【门-连接】,a【元音字母“a、e、i、o、u、y”和“元音字母组合”很多情况下都是表达一个单词的声音,就像汉字形声字的声旁,可以没有含义,可以不
计算机专业英语PPT课件In this chapter, we examine the organization of basic computer system. A simple computer has three primary subsystems. The central processing unit, or CPU, performs many operations and controls the computer. A microprocessor usually serv
Unit One: Computer and Computer Science Unit One/Section A I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. Charles Babbage; Augusta Ada Byron 2. input; output 3. VLSI 4. workstations; mainframes 5. vacuum; transistors 6. instruction
《计算机英语(第3版)》练习参考答案 Unit One: Computer and Computer Science Unit One/Section A I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. Charles Babbage; Augusta Ada Byron 2. input; output 3. VLSI 4. workstations; mainframes 5. vacuum; transis
COMPUTER ENGLISH Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers Chapter 2 Organization of Computers Chapter 3 Number Systems and Boolean Algebra Chapter 4 Data Structure Chapter 5 Operating System Chapter 6 Software Engineering Chapter 7 Programming