Todays premium class vehicles implement a variety of distributed applications cov- ering all areas of the vehicle, such as engine, chassis, body, comfort, as well as driver assistance functions. Most of these systems are interconnected via a com- mo
车载以太网测试,物理层测试规范 This suite of tests has been developed to help implementers identify problems that BroadR-Reach devices may have with the PHY Control functions.
《ISO 13400_Part1_2_3_4_DoIP汽车车载以太网(新旧)标准_高清非扫描》包含以下文档(网络最全,当然也可以联系小编):
ISO 13400-1-2011_Part 1:General information and use case definition.pdf
ISO 13400-2-2012_Part 2:Transport protocol and network layer services(已废止).pdf
ISO 13400-2-2019_Part 2:Tran