The source and resources for the sample game from Introduction to 3D game Engine Design is packaged in two files. be sure to douwnload and unzip both. There are issues in the car physics code that were discovered after the book was printed. Although
OCP Java SE 6 Programmer认证试题解析(Exam 310-065)》的两位作者都是Java SE Programmer认证考试的领衔命题者,书中包含260躲到仿真测试题,帮助读者备考这一具有高挑战性的考试,为了有助于读者理解相关知识的原理,每道考题都深入分析了正确选项和错误选项。《OCP Java SE 6 Programmer认证试题解析(Exam 310-065)》涵盖了310-065考试的全部官方考点,并且是SCJP Sun Certified Programmer
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