设计一个窗口,在该窗口中练习键盘的响应,要求如下:单击键盘上的向上箭头时,窗口中显示“You had hitted the up key”;单击键时,窗口中显示“You had hitted the SHIFT key”;单击键时,窗口中显示“You had hitted the CTRL key”;单击键时,窗口中显示“You had hitted the CTRL A key”;单击键时,窗口中显示“You had hitted the SHIFT B key”。
设计一个窗口,在该窗口中练习键盘的响应,要求如下:单击键盘上的向上箭头时,窗口中显示“You had hitted the up key”;单击键时,窗口中显示“You had hitted the SHIFT key”;单击键时,窗口中显示“You had hitted the CTRL key”;单击键时,窗口中显示“You had hitted the CTRL A key”;单击键时,窗口中显示“You had hitted the SHIFT B key”。