Computer Networks for Software EngineeringComputer Networks for Software EngineeringComputer Networks for Software EngineeringComputer Networks for Software Engineering
This book is based on object-oriented techniques applied to software engineering. It is neither a general software engineering book which surveys all available methods nor a programming book about algorithms and data structures. Instead, we focus on
Roger S. Pressman is an internationally recognized authority in software process improvement and software engineering technologies. For over three decades, he has worked as a software engineer, a manager, a professor, an author, and a consultant, fo
Agarwal, B. B., S. P. Tayal, et al. (2010). Software engineering & testing : an introduction. Sudbury, Mass., Jones and Bartlett. 页数: 516 p. 软件工程 和 测试 导论。
The fifth edition of Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach is intended to serve as a guide to a maturing engineering discipline. The fifth edition, like the four editions that preceded it, is intended for both students and practitioners, ret