The Auto-Negotiation standard allows devices based on several Ethernet standards, from 10BaseTto 1000BaseT, to coexist in the network by mitigating the risks of network disruption arising from incompatible technologies. This capability helps ensure
Net Optics Tap帮助企业接入并监控他们的网络,帮助用户获得了全天候被动网络接入和100%的网络可见性,而不会增加故障点。从而监控和优化原有网络。 千兆零延迟(Gig Zero Delay™)分路器(Tap)是业内唯一具备真正零延迟操作的10/100/1000BaseT分路器,可以避免网络中断,实现最大的网络可靠性。在断电期间,独特的电路设计能够保存每个网络端口的状态,从而确保了网络链路正常工作,实现零丢包,仅监控流量功能无法提供。借助千兆零延迟分路器(Tap),电源故障和失效不再意
Type 1000BASE-T PCS, type 1000BASE-T PMA sublayer, and type 1000BASE-T Medium Dependent Interface (MDI) are defined. This supplement provides fully functional, electrical and mechanical specifications for the type 1000BASE-T PCS, PMA, and MDI. This