公理化概率论首先使随机过程的研究获得了新的起点,它是作为随时间变化的偶然量的数学模型,是现代概率论研究主要论题. 一类普遍的随机过程叫Markov过程,这是一种无后效性随机过程,即在已知当前状态情况下,过程未来状态与其过去状态无关. 原始形式马尔可夫过程——马尔可夫链最早由Markov(1907年)提出,故命名为Markov过程,1931年Kolmogrov用分析的方法奠定了Markov过程之理论基础;Kolmogrov之后,在此研究中作出重大贡献而影响了整个概率论的重要代表人物有P. Lev
The cover of the first edition of Writing Testbenches featured a pho- tograph of the collapse of the Quebec bridge (the cantilever steel bridge on the left1) in 1907. The ultimate cause of the collapse was a major change in the design specification
The cover of the first edition of Writing Testbenches featured a photograph of the collapse of the Quebec bridge (the cantilever steel bridge on the left1) in 1907. The ultimate cause of the collapse was a major change in the design specification th