

  1. C#做的图书管理系统

  2. 、数据库安装 本安装说明是以Microsoft SQL Server 2000中文企业版为例来阐述的,对于Microsoft SQL Server其他版本, 应用程序数据库的安装方法是类似的。 将本文件夹中的DataBase目录下的两个文件LibraryManagment.MDF和 LibraryManagment_log.LDF复制到系统盘的 \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data目录下。 打开SQL Server Enterprise
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    • 发布日期:2009-05-08
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    • 提供者:kMLHY
  1. Linux一句话精彩问答

  2. 目 录 1 系统设置篇................................................................................................................................10 1001 修改主机名(陈绪).............................................................................................
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    • 发布日期:2009-05-11
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  1. 802.15.4-2003协议

  2. ZigBee的协议 IEEE Standard for Information technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems— Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements Part 15.4: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Spe
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    • 发布日期:2009-12-05
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  1. 数字信号处理在双音多频拨号系统中的应用

  2. function varargout = key1(varargin) % KEY1 M-file for key1.fig % KEY1, by itself, creates a new KEY1 or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = KEY1 returns the handle to a new KEY1 or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % KEY1('CALLBACK',h
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    • 发布日期:2009-12-14
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  1. 操作系统 windows sever 2003

  2. 是一本英文版的2003系统书。Microsoft Press books are available through booksellers and distributors worldwide. For further information about international editions, contact your local Microsoft Corporation office or contact Microsoft Press International directl
  3. 所属分类:Web开发

    • 发布日期:2010-03-15
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  1. 商业客户端部署系列之十三:Office 2003的Local Installation Source

  2. 商业客户端部署系列之十三:Office 2003的Local Installation Source
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    • 发布日期:2010-04-11
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  1. Local Board BBS(极地论坛)

  2. ##################################################################### # Local Board BBS Ⅱ2003.1005/极地论坛 Ⅱ2003.1005 # 版权所有: 金木匠工作室[晓晓工作室] # 程序制作: coshinvi(许声辉) # QQ:77620384 # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # 【版权声明
  3. 所属分类:C#

    • 发布日期:2005-12-27
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    • 提供者:chenxh
  1. IEEE Std 802.3af-2003 and 802.3at-2009

  2. IEEE Std 802.3af-2003 IEEE Standard for Information technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems— Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements 添加最新的802.3at-2009
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  1. windows下的unix工具集:UnxUtils

  2. 假如你用惯了linux,那你很有可能跟我一样,是被一堆个头不大,却是精明能干的小工具所吸引的:im, ssh, perl, grep, agrep, fgrep, sed, wget, agrep, unzip, cp, mv, rm (我常用的,也就这些)……这些工具在windows不是不存在,只是有的工具加上了gui界面,个头太大;有的改成了彻头彻尾的windows版。这一切,让人感觉,不爽。 可是,你值得安装一整套cygwin么?你有必要安装虚拟机么?当然没必要。本文要介绍的,是一组小巧
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  1. 程序员最好的编程字体Bitstream Vera Fonts

  2. itstream Vera Fonts - April 16, 2003 ===================================== The version number of these fonts is 1.10 to distinguish them from the beta test fonts. Note that the Vera copyright is incorporated in the fonts themselves. The License fiel
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  1. cocos2d-x c++的iconv.rar

  2. 解决cocos2d-x中文显示问题 /* Copyright (C) 1999-2003, 2005-2006, 2008-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of t
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    • 发布日期:2015-04-22
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  1. WTL 9.1 5270 ReadMe 中文 汉化 中英文对照版 01d

  2. WTL9.1-ReadMe-中英文对照版 Windows Template Library - WTL Version 9.1 (build 5270) 2015-09-27 Windows模板库 - WTL Version 9.1 (build 5270) 2015-09-27 (水平有限,不足之处,欢迎指正交流:ybmj@vip.163.com) ________________________________________ Copyright © 2015 Microsoft Corp
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    • 发布日期:2015-10-26
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  1. WTL 9.1 5270 Beta 中文 汉化 中英文对照版

  2. WTL9.1-ReadMe-中英文对照版 Windows Template Library - WTL Version 9.1 (build 5270) 2015-09-27 Windows模板库 - WTL Version 9.1 (build 5270) 2015-09-27 (水平有限,不足之处,欢迎指正交流:ybmj@vip.163.com) ________________________________________ Copyright © 2015 Microsoft Corp
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    • 发布日期:2015-10-27
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    • 提供者:shuren8
  1. 大数据下的机器学习算法综述.pdf

  2. 大数据下的机器学习算法综述,介绍利用大数据做机器学习的常用算法ordan Little bootstraps Boot frap ordan 4 4.1 4.2 Kol- Tucker Memory -Efficient Tucker Decomposition MET MET densed Nearest Neighbor CNN R duced nearest neighbor RnN Ed MET ted Nearest Neighbor ENN Wahba h 10 Regularize
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  1. OPC技术和PLC在锅炉控制系统中的应用.pdf

  2. OPC技术和PLC在锅炉控制系统中的应用pdf,OPC技术和PLC在锅炉控制系统中的应用52 HENAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 2009 471012 TF624.4 B 1003-3467200911-0052-03 H/C 10~20℃ 150~200℃ 75% 50%-60% H,S x<xcx《《xx×x《《x了《《《xx《《X《对xx《《5)xxx片《《<x OPC LOCAL/SI- MATIC S7-200 OPC SERVER PC ACCESS Win
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  1. 施耐德Modicon Premium的MB 网络参考手册.pdf

  2. 施耐德Modicon Premium的MB 网络参考手册pdf,施耐德Unity Pro编程的Modicon Premium的MB 网络参考手册able of contents Safety Information 5 About the book Chapter 1 General.......................9 At a glance 9 Introduction 10 Compatibility... Integration into an x-Way architectu
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  1. 基于Walsh-Hadamard投影的快速Nonlocal-Means图像去噪.pdf

  2. NLM改进论文,可供算法工程师参考,Walsh-Hadamard投影。382 宇航学报 第32卷 NL- means模型利用观测图像中其它像素点的窗口内,将算法的计算复杂度降为o(m2·n2t2) 加权和来表示当前点图像像素值的估计,即2-1 即便如此, NL-means去噪算法的计算量还是比较 X()=NL()=∑o(i,Y()(2)大,特别是比较窗口和搜索窗口的尺寸较大时,算法 权值o(i,j代表了像素点i和j的相关性, Buade速度较慢。 提出使用以像素点和j为中心的图像块的欧式距 由式
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  1. asp连接mssql2005的代码

  2. 代码如下: 您可能感兴趣的文章:Windows 2003 IIS 6.0 搭建可建虚拟机的asp+.net+php+jsp+mysql+mssqlASP控制每页
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  1. D3Feat.pytorch:[PyTorch] CVPR'20口头论文的实现-D3Feat:密集检测的联合学习和3D局部特征的描述https:arxiv.orgabs2003.03164-源码

  2. D3Feat存储库 CVPR'2020口头论文PyTorch实施,由白旭阳,罗自新,周雷,傅洪波,龙泉和太极郎撰写。 Tensorflow也提供 。 本文重点关注联合特征的3D点云密集特征检测和描述。 如果您发现此项目有用,请引用: article{bai2020d3feat, title={D3Feat: Joint Learning of Dense Detection and Descr iption of 3D Local Features}, author={Xuyang
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    • 发布日期:2021-01-28
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  1. CVPR'20口头论文- D3Feat的实现:Joint Learning of Dense Detection and Description of 3D Local Features https://arxiv.org/abs/2003

  2. D3Feat repository TensorFlow implementation of D3Feat for CVPR'2020 Oral paper , by Xuyang Bai, Zixin Luo, Lei Zhou, Hongbo Fu, Long Quan and Chiew-Lan Tai. This paper focus on dense feature detection and descr iption for 3D point clouds in a joint m
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    • 发布日期:2021-01-27
    • 文件大小:219152384
    • 提供者:weixin_38516658
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