基于HTTP的虚拟盘驱动(支持vista和win7) 该版本修正了: 1. 2009-10-21 Small bug fix for CD-images on Windows Vista and Windows 7. Support for 64-bit systems. 2. 2009-10-15 Allow to mount images without administrative privileges by Konstantin Vlasov. 3. 2009-04-12 Suppor
查看文章 VHDL十进制计数器2009-07-14 16:28library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity count10 is port (clk:in std_logic; f:buffer integer range 0 to 15; cout:out std_logic); end; architecture