-- 首先,以超级管理员的身份登录oracle sqlplus sys/bjsxt as sysdba --然后,解除对scott用户的锁 alter user scott account unlock; --那么这个用户名就能使用了。 --(默认全局数据库名orcl) 1、select ename, sal * 12 from emp; --计算年薪 2、select 2*3 from dual; --计算一个比较纯的数据用dual表 3、select sysdate from dual;
% Boyd & Vandenberghe "Convex Optimization" % Almir Mutapcic - 01/30/06 % Updated to use GP mode 02/08/06 % (a figure is generated) % % We have a segmented cantilever beam with N segments. Each segment % has a unit length and variable width and heig