The hyperstone E1-32XSR and hyperstone E1-16XSR microprocessors represent a further development of the hyperstone E1-32X and hyperstone E1-16X processors. Using a sophisticated 0.25 μm CMOS process, the maximum clock rate of the processor could be f
树莓派recalbox复古模拟器系统(使用说明英译汉).doc 树莓派recalbox,法国的爱好者整合的,一句话总结——这个系统是我用过的复古模拟平台中最适合小白使用的。 recalbox支持Atari 2600, NES, Game Boy, Game Boy color, Game Boy Advance, Super Nintendo, Master System, Megadrive (Genesis), FBA, iMame4all, PCEngine, MSX1/2, PSX,