第 1 章:本版本的最新资讯 第 2 章:关于 Siebel Communication Server 什么是 Siebel Communication Server? 17 将 Communication Server 用于其它 Siebel 模块 18 Communication Server 和 Siebel CTI 18 Communication Server 和 Siebel Email Response 18 Communication Server 和 Siebel 统一队列
牛津实用英语语法 第一章 冠词和 one , a little / a few , this , that 1 a / an (不定冠词) 2 a / an 的用法 3 a / an 的省略 4 a / an 和 one 5 a little / a few 和 little / few 6 the (定冠词) 7 the (定冠词)的省略 8 the (定冠词)在 home 等之前的省略 9 this / these , that / those (指示
第一章 冠词和 one , a little / a few , this , that 1 a / an (不定冠词) 2 a / an 的用法 3 a / an 的省略 4 a / an 和 one 5 a little / a few 和 little / few 6 the (定冠词) 7 the (定冠词)的省略 8 the (定冠词)在 home 等之前的省略 9 this / these , that / those (指示形容词和指示代词)
oracl 和db2 常用语法比较: 1、取前N条记录 Oracle:Select * from TableName where rownum <= N; DB2:Select * from TableName fetch first N rows only; 2、取得系统日期 Oracle:Select sysdate from dual; DB2:Select current timestamp from sysibm.sysdummy1; 3、空值转换 Oracle:Select
第一章 冠词和 one , a little / a few , this , that 1 a / an (不定冠词) 2 a / an 的用法 3 a / an 的省略 4 a / an 和 one 5 a little / a few 和 little / few 6 the (定冠词) 7 the (定冠词)的省略 8 the (定冠词)在 home 等之前的省略 9 this / these , that / those (指示形容词和指示代词)