A tool for packaging images, fonts, sounds, binary data to swf or swc library Swift is a tool for packaging images, fonts, sounds, binary data to swf as runtime shared library or swc as precompiled library. You can load and access these resources at
jpinyin - A opensource java library for converting chinese to pinyin JPinyin是一个汉字转拼音的Java开源类库,在PinYin4j的功能基础上做了一些改进。 【JPinyin主要特性】 1、准确、完善的字库; Unicode编码从4E00-9FA5范围及3007(〇)的20903个汉字中,JPinyin能转换除46个异体字(异体字不存在标准拼音)之外的所有汉字; 2、拼音转换速度快; 经测试,转换Unicode编码从4