1,01.zipDialogs in DLL在DLL中实现对话框(5KB)2,02.zipExport dialogs in MFC Extension DLLs在MFC扩充DLL中输出对话框(12KB)3,03.zipRemapping resource scr ipt ID's重影象资源的标识符(4KB)4,04.zipDetermine DLL version number检测DLL的版本号(7KB)5,05.zipGetting the complete information abo
1,01.zipCalling Stored Procedures调用存储过程(8KB)2,02.zipCreate Access data source name dynamically动态创建Access的数据源名(5KB)3,03.zipUsing DAO to read data sources other than MS Acc ess使用DAO读MS Access以外的数据源(6KB)4,04.zipHow to use RecordSets without using the A
1,01.zipOutput显示所有的调试信息(5KB)2,02.zipSome general debugging tips一般的调试技巧(11KB)3,03.zipDebugging ISAPI extension调试ISAPI扩展(4KB)4,04.zip<br&g t;LibDump类似DumpBin的工具(10KB)5,05.zipFinding memory leaks发现内存的泄漏(6KB)6,06.zipConvert message ID to a string将消息标
1 , datafile.zip"This sample demonstrates how to do file input and output using Visual Basic. The sample creates a new database file and allows you to view, add, or delete records in this database."2 , dbprint.zip<br&g t;This demonstrates how to
1 , vb5dialog.zipThis demonstrates how to subclass the Common Dialog Dialogs and manipulate a specific Dialog.2 , cpnl.zipForm_Taskbar is a control for Visual Basic which, once placed onto a form, makes the form act like the Taskbar (minus the Start
百合电子工作室(http://usb.baiheee.com)在09年发布了一个USB开源项目——Easy USB 51 Programer,此开源项起初只是为了展示一个基于USB接口的51编程器开发过程,后来又在此电路板基础上实现了更多USB开发实例,此开源形式展示了USB HID设备类以及自定义USB设备的开发方法,并配有详细开发文档,受到广大网友的好评。虽然我的网站上公布了电路图,但许多网友觉得自己制作太麻烦、成本高,于是询问是否有成品电路板出售,所以本工作室组织生产了几批电路板,很快就