This document gives an overview of the MPEG-4 standard, explaining which pieces of technology it includes and what sortof applications are supported by this technology.Table of Contentsl Executive Overviewl Table of Contentsl 1. Scope and features o
本文记录了mysql 8.0.11 安装配置的方法,供大家参考,具体内容如下
1. MySQL安装
1.1 在MySQL官网 下载 Windows 版本的 MySQL 安装包
点击下载Download后会弹出以下界面,点击 No thanks, just start my download
1.2 下载完后解压,将 zip 包解压到你想安装的目录,我将解压后的文件夹放在 D:\MySQL下。
1.3 配置环境变量:
进入 计算机–高级系统设置–高级–环境变量