We program in high-level languages for several reasons. Perhaps we prefer that the code we write be compilable for multiple processors or platforms. Perhaps we prefer block structure rather than jumps. And perhaps we prefer solving problems strictly
This book presents an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development, using real-time shaders with DirectX 9.0c.
更新: 1、修复了一个严重缺陷(设为鼠标屏幕边缘显示时导致程序崩溃);2、更正了内部帮助系统占用CPU和内存较大的问题;3、安装时可以将主程序关联到Windows开始菜单中;4、新增使用键盘操作功能(通过方向键、功能键、空格键等操作DOCK中的程序项。主要是便于使用红外遥控器进行操作)。详细说明请参见随机帮助系统第“How do I control Circle Dock without a mouse?”节。
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Use the JavaFX platform to create rich-client Java applications and discover how you can use this powerful Java-based UI platform, which is capable of handling large-scale data-driven business applications for PC as well as mobile and embedded devic