MTLAB用LU分解法解线性方程function [L,U]=do(A) [n,n]=size(A); U=zeros(n,n); L=eye(n); U(1,:)=A(1,:); L(2:n,1)=A(2:n,1)/U(1,1); for i=2:n for j=i:n U(i,j)=A(i,j)-L(i,1:i-1)*U(1:i-1,j); if j~=i L(j,i)=A(j,i)-L(j,1:i-1)*U(1:i-1,i)/U(i,i); end end end
bool lu(double* a, int* pivot, int n);//矩阵LU分解 bool guass(double const* lu, int const* p, double* b, int n);//求线性代数方程组的解 void qr(double* a, double* d, int n); //矩阵的QR分解 bool householder(double const*qr, double const*d, double*b, int n);//求线性代数方程组的解
本章是Gilbert Strang的MIT线性代数Linear Algebra公开课中【第四章 矩阵的LU分解(lecture 4 Factorization into A = LU)】的笔记,参考他在 MIT Linear Algebra课程网站上公开分享的 lecture summary (PDF) 和 Lecture video transcr ipt (PDF)等文档,整理笔记如下,笔记中的大部分内容是从 MIT Linear Algebra课程网站上的资料中直接粘贴过来的,本人只是将该
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Diode-pumped laser action of a new crystal Yb3+:2Si2O7 (LPS) is demonstrated for the first time to our knowledge. An output power of 2.22 W at 1070 nm and a slope efficiency of 34.7% were achieved with a 5 at.-% Yb: LPS sample. The tuning can cover t