google的开源代码用于图像处理 AForge.Imaging - library with image processing routines and filters; AForge.Vision - computer vision library; AForge.Video - set of libraries for video processing; AForge.Neuro - neural networks computation library; AForge.Genetic
AForge.NET Framework ================================== License agreement Due to some external dependencies, the framework does not have a common single license. The AForge.Video.FFMPEG component is GPL v3 licensed
(AForge.NET Framework-2.2.5-(libs only) AForge.NET Framework ================================== License agreement Due to some external dependencies, the framework does not have a common single license. The AForge.V
AForge.NET Framework-2.2.5 Installer.rar AForge.NET Framework ================================== License agreement Due to some external dependencies, the framework does not have a common single license. The AForge.