程序代码: 代码如下: ‘关键字的搜索 str=”select * from tableName where id>4″ if srhKey”” then keyArr=split(srhKey,” “) j=UBound(keyArr) t=0 dim keystrArr() for i=0 to j if keyArr(i)”” then redim preserve keystrArr(t) strfilter=”(empZw like ‘%”&keyArr(i)&”%’ or e
程序代码: 以下为引用的内容: 代码如下:‘关键字的搜索 str=”select * from tableName where id>4″ if srhKey”” then keyArr=split(srhKey,” “) j=UBound(keyArr) t=0 dim keystrArr() for i=0 to j if keyArr(i)”” then redim preserve keystrArr(t) strfilter=”(empZw like ‘%”&keyArr(i)