Dear 'Ajax in Action' Readers,This zip file gathers together the source code for the examples in the 'Ajax in Action' book. Code is organized by chapter, and, within each chapter, subfolders for the original and the refactored versions of the exampl
Lucene in Action.zipLucene in Action.zipLucene in Action.zipLucene in Action.zipLucene in Action.zipLucene in Action.zipLucene in Action.zipLucene in Action.zipLucene in Action.zipLucene in Action.zipLucene in
Dear 'Ajax in Action' Readers,This zip file gathers together the source code for the examples in the 'Ajax in Action' book. Code is organized by chapter, and, within each chapter, subfolders for the original and the refactored versions of the exampl
AMF是Action Message Format协议的简称,AMF协议是Adobe公司自己的协议,主要用于数据交互和远程过程调用,在功能上相当于WebService,但是AMF与WebService中的XML不同的是AMF是二进制数据,而XML是文本数据,AMF的传输效率比XML高。AMF使用HTTP方式传输,目前主要是用于Actionscr ipt中,即实现Flex和Server之间的通信。 For sending a remoting call see SimpleRemotingCal
Akka in Action is a comprehensive tutorial on building message-oriented systems using Akka. The book takes a hands-on approach, where each new concept is followed by an example that shows you how it works, how to implement the code, and ho