This book has two goals, and which of these applies to you depends on your back- ground. For experienced DBAs, the goal is to introduce you to the new features of SQL Server 2008 that will improve your administration routines. For new DBAs, or for t
included in this package are landscape, black and white paper copies of each of the student visuals included in the student notebook. thepaper copies it is recommended that black-on-clear transparencies be used to reproduce the package.
此安装包是Integrated Lights-Out 4 中文语言包 (HP iLO4 中文语言包) 使用方法: 下载后解压,通过浏览器登陆iLO口, 选择Adminstration--->Access Settings --->Upload Language Pack 浏览刚下载的文件,扩展名为.lpk 再点击upload 语言包适用机型: HP ProLiant BL460c Gen8 Server HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server HP ProLi