Limitations: Max number of individuals: 50000 Max length of an individual: 65535 characters Max number of terminals in the terminal set: 100 Max numer of functionsin the function set: 100 Selection type: fitness based, using probability roulette Gen
DEscr iptION: 1.Analyze Problem A : sorted stamps array A={ai} ai: one stamp element in array n: array size, that is number of elements in array r: desired value of stamps F(n,r):expected result, minimum number of stamps for a given value r from n s
最小二乘法求解最优化问题 A solution is obtained by a Fletcher version of the Levenberg-Maquardt algoritm for minimization of a sum of squares of equation residuals.
Zookeep选主过程源码。ow coming to the leader election algorithm that is implemented in Apache zookeeper. The default election algorithm used in zookeeper is Fast Leader Election algoritm and the source is at here。