As always, the completion of a book would not be possible without the support of many people. I would like to thank Barry Pasternack who has given me encouragement during this project as well as guidance in other areas, Mabel Kung who has spent many
Support and Resistance MetaTrader 指标 — 正如该指标名称所述,它显示了支撑和阻力水平。直接将它们显示在图表上,当您想设置止损或止盈水平时或当您想查看下一个市场目标时能为您提供简单的帮助。该指标使用标准的MetaTrader Fractals指标(Bill Williams的方法)且没有可更改的输入参数。该指标适用于MT4和MT5。
使用此博客样板启动您的项目。 该入门工具随附了主要的Gatsby配置文件,您可能需要使用React的快速应用生成器来快速启动和运行。
还有其他更具体的想法吗? 您可能需要查看我们充满活力的集合。
:rocket: 快速开始
使用Gatsby CLI创建一个新站点,并指定博客启动器。
# create a new Gatsby site using the blog starter
gatsby new my-blog-starter http
$ git barry start feature awesome # Create and switch to feature branch
$ git barry finish # Merge with master then delete branch, switch to master
$ git barry start release v0.9.8 # Create and switch to release