Thinking on the WebBerners-Lee, G¨ odel, and TuringWeb之父Tim Berners-LeeProvides valuable insight into the progress and direction of development of the World Wide Web and its likely future applications in science and business.Reviews the prospects fo
The Web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect—to help people work together—and not as a technical toy. The ultimate goal of the Web is to support and improve our weblike exis- tence in the world. We clump
Drupal is a hugely popular and widely celebrated open-source Content Management System that is day-by-day becoming the first choice of people for building blogs and other websites. Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the father of the Internet), Hillary Clinton, a
HTML(Hyper Text Mark-up Language )即超文本标记语言,是 WWW 的描述语言,由 Tim Berners-lee提出。设计 HTML 语言的目的是为了能把存放在一台电脑中的文本或图形与另一台电脑中的文本或图形方便地联系在一起,形成有机的整体,人们不用考虑具体信息是在当前电脑上还是在网络的其它电脑上。这样,你只要使用鼠标在某一文档中点取一个图标,Internet就会马上转到与此图标相关的内容上去,而这些信息可能存放在网络的另一台电脑中。