>> 概述 《字符编解码分析》是一款字符编码分析软件。支持 ANSI、Unicode Little Endian、Unicode Big Endian、UTF-7、UTF-8、GBK(GB13000)、GB2312、BIG-5、区位码、Base64 等编码格式,可使用十六进制、十进制(单字节和单字符)、八进制和二进制等表示方法。除支持简单的编码查询和换算之外,亦能对文本进行分析,查找和提取文本中可能存在的相应编码的字符。 另外,软件支持多国文字字符的显示和编辑。可选用相应的
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ::: PlayYO! ::: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |||| MEDIA PLAYER |||| ============ USAGE: ============ Copy "PlayYO!.exe" into a folder
Executing background tasks has always been a big challenge in every environment and, in particular, on mobile devices where resources are limited. Kotlin has simplified the way you can write code improving your productivity with a new programming pa
transport images by udp in QT environment.
Because there is images is too big and udp package cannot too big ,
so need to separate data into some packages whic from images.
gif2apng is a simple program that converts animations from GIF to APNG format.
It disproves the common misconception that Animated PNG files are always too big, as it actually creates APNG files smaller than the original GIFs. Command-line version i