OpenBikeSharing OpenBikeSharing is an Android application that displays the availability of shared bikes in your city. It uses the CityBikes API that provides data for more than 400 cities in around 40 countries and displays this data in a list or o
Q Skills for Success Listening and Speaking 2E Intro Student.pdf!UNIT
Listen to three conversations. Use information and
ideas to interview a classmate, then introduce him or
her to the class
LISTENING Are You Interested in His
data from a Washington, D.C., bike sharing system reporting the hourly count of rental bikes between
2011 and 2012 in the Capital bike-share system with the corresponding weather and seasonal information.
本周的挑战将从回顾上周我们在Boris Bikes中介绍的基础知识开始,使您有机会强化上周学到的知识。 然后,您将面临构建一个更加复杂的系统的挑战,该系统应该真正扩展您在Ruby,TDD和面向对象设计中的技能。
In order to use public transport
As a customer
I want money on my card
In order to keep using public transpor