Modern system design increasingly makes use of high speed ICs as circuit building blocks. With bandwidths going up and up, demands are placed on the designer for faster and more power efficient circuits. The default high speed amplifier has changed
The MPX5010/MPXV5010G series piezoresistive transducers are state-ofthe- art monolithic silicon pressure sensors designed for a wide range of applications, but particularly those employing a microcontroller or microprocessor with A/D inputs. This tr
The CS5530 is a highly integrated ΔΣ Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) which uses charge-balance techniques to achieve 24-bit performance. The ADC is optimized for measuring low-level unipolar or bipolar signals in weigh scale, process control, scie
Early single-supply “zero-in, zero-out” amplifiers were designed on bipolar processes which optimized the performance of the NPN transistors. The PNP transistors were either lateral or substrate PNPs with much poorer performance than the NPNs. Fully
质子交换膜燃料电池用新型双极板,王正,,To overcome some of the traditional material’s major disadvantages,a variety of composite bipolar plates have been developed. The compound structure bipolar plates consisting a m
Bipolar phototransistors have higher optical responsivity than photodiodes and play an important role in the field of photoelectric conversion. Two-dimensional materials offer a good optical responsivity and have the potential advantages of heterogen