最新版本v2-RC4 Chameleon is combination of various boot loader components. It is based on David Elliott's fake EFI implementation added to Apple's boot-132 project. Chameleon is extended with the following key features: - Device Property Injection via d
戴尔蓝牙10.7黑苹果可以用Leverages operating system to auto-match any eligible bluetooth device, no configuration required. There are no suspend/resume scr ipts ala sleepwatcher required. Driver reloads right away upon resume Handles reloading when you turn of
MacBook Air A1370 U盘安装Mac OS X 10.7.5 Lion和Win7 SP1双系统
1. 准备工作
a) Windows操作系统的PC机
b) 待重装系统的MacBook Air
c) U盘(4G以上)1~2个
a) TransMac.rar(在Windows环境下制作MacOS安装U盘工具TransMac v10.4安装包)
b) OS_X_10.7.5_11G63完整版.dmg(Mac OS X 10.7系
这是OpenCore 0.6.7的主题
Misc -> Boot -> PickerMode: External
Misc -> Boot -> PickerVariant: Default, Modern or Auto
Auto — Automatically select one set of icons based on DefaultBackground colour.
Default — Default icon set.