#include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" #include "string.h" #define MAX 5000 int start,end,nodenum; void save1(); void save2(); void main() { FILE *fp1,*fp2,*fp3; float ver[50]; int t[14],i,j,m; int num_node[4]; int node_number; int n umber=0; float v
C语言源代码的图书管理系统 #include #include #include #include struct bookData { int booknumber; char bookname[30]; int store; }; struct Person { char name[20]; char studynumber[10]; int count; b ookData Rbook[2]; //bookData Rbook; }; class History { public: His
帮助C语言初学者进步提题目:一个整数,它加上100后是一个完全平方数,再加上168又是一个完全平方数,请问该数是多少? 1.程序分析:在10万以内判断,先将该数加上100后再开方,再将该数加上268后再开方,如果开方后的结果满足如下条件,即是结果。请看具体分析: 2.程序源代码: #include "math.h" main() { long int i,x,y,z; for (i=1;i<100000;i++) { x=sqrt(i+100); /*x为加上100后开方后的结果*/ y
数据结构 c语言描述的源码 头文件:/* * filename: dsdef.h * descr iption: This head file includes most data structure definitions, *which can * also be modified accordingly before using it. Remember to *include * this file to your source file! * author : jxiao, csu
详细介绍了PID 用C语言的源代码 /*===================================================================================== File name: PID_REG3.C (IQ version) Originator: Digital Control Systems Group Texas Instruments Descrip tion: The PID controller with anti-windu